5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Growing our team’s knowledge and capacity to serve is a fundamental component of strong teams. Attending professional conventions, attending worship services on Sunday, and attending virtual conferences or training sessions might be ways to expand that capacity.
But the debrief after the event with your team might be the most important part. The knowledge and information presented can multiply the results of your whole team when it is shared. It is the power of the debrief, where the mundane becomes insight for others.
Perspectives get rotated, challenged, and activity and energy get accelerated with accountability. How does your team share the power of the debrief? How might you be leaving others out and restricting your capacity? Do you choose to multiply by one or by one hundred?
When twenty people hold all the same information the multiplication is limited. It only happens one time. But if we multiply four, many times, the results will be greater. The debrief lets the capacity and knowledge multiply by a greater number. All it takes is the willingness to collaborate.
If your team is missing a high level of collaboration, then your team is adding instead of multiplying. As the leader, we are responsible to assure that the multiplication sign is going to be used. Which sign are you focused on right now?
It might be the addition, the multiplication, or the equal’s sign. It’s easy to use a multiplication sign, just start a debrief once a week. See how it works for your team to use it more often and let us know if it helped.
The birth of Jesus is shared in the gospels of the Bible. As a believer, our sins were washed away and our relationship with Christ became anew. But the story has not stopped, it is not over yet, or at least it is not supposed to be.
We read, “The shepherds went back to their flocks, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as the angel had told them.” Luke 2:20 NLT. The debrief is occurring here, can you envision it? One shepherd telling the other, confirming what they saw.
I can imagine they were discussing how they were moved, how they were inspired. Two thousand years later the story of Jesus’ birth, life and death is still being talked about. You do not have to be a Christian to know that the holiday of Christmas exists.
It exists because others have been sharing the story, using a debrief, to let the generations know of Jesus’ Birth. What are you doing to share the idea of a debrief with others in regard to your faith? You do not have to stand on a curb and shout to the crowds that are passing by.
You can if you think that is the best debrief you can provide. I suspect many of us have not really found the best way for us to create a debrief for others. What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, guide us as we continue with our own personal journey of faith. Transform one another's mundane into inspiration for others. Accelerate action through us that honors you. Guide us as we find a way to debrief others about our journey and about Jesus.
Make our love grow and spread, like the story of Christ has continued throughout the ages. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.