5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Businesses are full of people. We have many titles like manager, board members, employees and customers to name a few. But regardless of one’s title, we need to be present when we are talking to each other.
It is disrespectful to look past or ignore a speaker when being spoken with, but it also disengages others when they notice it. To ignore or not engage the other person means that we, ourselves, are not engaged. We have not accepted our responsibility, at that moment, to work with our team members.
We are focused on our task only and are not being respectful enough to ourselves or the other participants when this occurs. It takes practice to learn how to be present. Where might you not have been present in the last week?
I suspect that you have witnessed someone who failed to be present with you when you needed them to be. It is a behavior that stunts growth, communication, and progress. There are at least three levels of being present.
One is to be able to speak and hear one another. The second level is to empathize, interpret and feel the conversation. The third level can recognize the energy of the environment of the room or atmosphere where the conversation is happening. Who might you only be engaged at level one?
What would happen in your relationships if you can move to a deeper level? Try it today and this weekend and see how others react. I suspect that both the speaker and the listener will be surprised. Who do you know who you can be more present with in the next seven days?
Think about your schedule this week. How might it be set up so that it does not really help you to be present? Distractions can move us away from others. Lacking clear priorities for the day might get a dozen unimportant issues handled while important ones get left unattended.
Answering the call to be like Christ includes a call to be present. It asks us to help those that are hurting right now. We are to be compassionate to those that we are in relationship with. We must be present to do this. It does not mean that we cannot think about the future or do planning.
But wherever two of us are gathered, Christ is there as well. Let us be present. A great example of being present is the story of Mary and Martha as hosts. You can find it in the book of Luke 10:38, NLT. It was Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus and learned as he taught while Martha prepared the dinner.
Martha certainly could have been in the room learning in the presence of Jesus. Dinner could certainly wait. Perhaps it was her habit of preparing a meal that took her away. Perhaps it was her hunger.
Perhaps it was her desire to please others. Regardless, it was her decision not to be present with Christ. Where might we be less than present in our walk? Think now of who we will be spending time with in the next three days. Perhaps we can bring the focus on being present with them and Jesus?
Let us pray, Jesus, help us to recognize when we are not being present. Bring the opportunity to share your love with others by being with them. If others are ignored, let us address it immediately. Allow us to be present, and through us, the opportunity to know you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.