5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Did you ever have a lemonade stand as a child? If you did not, or have not ever been to one, I suggest that you find one soon before the summer is over. As entrepreneurs and team leaders we can take some lessons from those young entrepreneurs. At the lemonade stand, the product is simple.
It may not be the best quality, nor the best looking, and you certainly take your chances on the flavor as the sugar may still be at the bottom of the pitcher. Where has your product or service gotten complex? At the lemonade stand the personnel are key.
Their dress is not a suit and tie but appropriate for the conditions, their eyes show their value, and the value exchange is more about relationships than the product. Where has our focus on personnel become a lower priority? At the lemonade stand the offer is for a limited time only.
The exact hours are going to change, lunch time and snack time are questionable times for service. School will also be starting which means the stand will probably be gone soon. In fact, when it comes back it may be the little brother or sister or neighbor child who runs it next time.
Where is your company focusing on the past or future instead of now? Where has your business or team forgotten these values of personnel, consistency, and service? Maybe it is time for a quick audit? As a leader, we are responsible to call for the audit.
The three characteristics of the lemonade stand are keep it simple, have engaging personnel and keep the time element for limited time only. What is the first thing that you can do to audit your team for these characteristics in the next seven days?
Sisters and brothers in Christ, the world is a complex place with lots of messages. We are hit every minute it seems with some kind of message whether it is our phone, the computer or a billboard as we drive to the grocery store. But today let us remember this message from Matthew.
“Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4 NLT. The lesson of simplicity of the lemonade stand is spoken here.
Maybe we can bring the love and innocence of the lemonade stand type of service to our neighbor. We do not have to know everything or be everything. But what if we were to just bring Christ with us so that he might quench the thirst of those that are driving by on the path of faith.
The lesson that personnel are key to any success reminds us that we are to be in a relationship with one another. We will love others and be hurt by others but must be resilient and know that God will always be there for us. There is no location where we can have a lemonade stand where he will not watch over us.
The lesson of having a limited time offer reminds us that the lilies of the field are taken care of and so are we. Shall we spend another moment in worry, thinking about revenge, withholding forgiveness, or withholding ourselves from blessing others? We all only have so many hours on the earth before we can spend eternity in another way.
While we are here, It is not about the taste of the lemonade, never has been and never will be. What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, the lemon trees, soil, water, and sun are all yours. Comfort us as we allow our minds to bend our perceptions to the complexity of this world. Bring us back to our path where we might find rest in simplicity, in relationship, and in our time with you.
May we come to Christ today and find him at every lemonade stand we stop at. May we open our eyes to the opportunities in front of us so that we do not pass them by. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.