5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Entrepreneurs deliver products and services to clients. But value-based businesses want more than clients. We want raving fans. I think that our connection to "why" really goes to the heart of our business. The constant beat throughout our team’s activities delivers the lifeblood which drives value.
The beat of the message delivery can be a challenge to keep consistent. When did you have your last "why" conversation with your team? Is your team comfortable enough with the "why" to share it with your customers?
When we allow the team to get off the beat, our collaboration is not as strong as it can be. How long will we allow ourselves and others to be off the beat? What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
As men and women of faith, we too have a "why.” That "why" is Jesus Christ. We are called to be in relationship with Jesus, the church, and the world. But how are we to share our "why" with the world when we are sometimes far apart in our views?
We read, “Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speech will have the king as a friend.” Proverbs 22:11 NLT. It might be that we are to show others our love. Yes, at times we all struggle to share love. We can get bitter, unforgiving and selfish. Of course, we are broken people in a broken world. But our Savior Jesus Christ showed us and taught us.
Let us go out this week with our hearts in loving mode and find a way to collaborate on the same beat. We do not all play the same note but when we keep the beat with Christ as conductor love can win. Those we encounter will surely appreciate it. What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Jesus, you spoke your lessons. We have the privilege to be able to read them today. May we accept the challenge to love purely, speak graciously, and may God receive all the glory. It is in the precious name of Jesus that we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.