5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Leaders need instruction and guidance on their journeys just like the members of the team need them. I had a conversation recently with "Betty." She talked about her work history and how her best leaders were the ones who had worked in her position as teller at the bank.
The leader knew the challenges and the opportunities of the position. These good leaders are the ones that received instructions and guidance themselves of what to do and how to do it. As leaders, what are you doing to grow in your leadership and capabilities?
If instruction is crucial for our teams to complete their functions, it just might be as important for us as leaders as well. If one is not planning on receiving some direction of leadership, then they might be the limiting factor for the team? Getting instruction and ideas requires collaboration.
A leader might get involved with a leadership school. There are also some great books to read about levels of leadership. Many conferences happen yearly that are focused on leadership as well. Peer groups exist which will challenge leaders from the same industry to challenge one another.
Mentorships shape both the mentor and the mentee. When there are so many options, it should be obvious to us that there is demand and that the options are valuable. What will you do to collaborate with others to shape your leadership this week?
In our faith journey, we need instruction and guidance as well. We read, “And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”” Matthew 1:21 NLT. That is pretty simple instructions. It is clear and obvious what Mary is to do.
But this message is to Joseph! The in-control person has received her instructions and Joseph, acting in a leadership role, has a task to do also, which is to give the name to the child. We all need instruction, and we can thank God for the words of the Bible to do some of it.
Where will you get instruction from this next year in your faith? You are a leader whether you think so or not. Our faith calls on us to spread the message with the lost. We are to love the unlovable. We are to forgive the unforgivable. We have these calls and therefore, we are leaders.
Who have you seen that has exemplified any of these concepts? Perhaps the examples that you are aware of would be willing to answer questions that come from your curiosity to be a better leader. Collaborating with other leaders is one of the easiest ways to grow in our leadership.
But our egos can get in the way. We can allow our focus to be on our teams instead of ourselves. There are times that we need to focus on our growth as well because if we are not growing, we are stagnant or worse, shrinking. Remember this, when the leader gets better, everyone can get better.
How will you collaborate with others by the end of the year? What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Father God, we thank you for Jesus and allowing him to walk on the earth. Thank you for the words of the Bible as well. Turn our hearts towards those words so that we might receive instruction in our minds. Let us use our instructions from you to spread your word, share your love and seek Jesus more. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.