5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
As leaders, what is the one thing that you will do every day this year? Is that a scary thought? To decide so intently that you commit to do it every day, regardless of what comes, is a big deal. You might go on a vacation, get sick and not feel well or maybe a tragedy will strike in your sphere of influence.
All of these interruptions might put stress on your world and your habits. Can we and should we commit to a daily activity this focused? What might you do every day for just seven days, and then for forty instead of the entire year?
If we can learn how to go from being committed for a week to forty days, maybe we can then move to a commitment for the entire year. As an entrepreneur, how would your company benefit from doing one thing, for sure, no excuses, for forty days?
It might be that you greet at least three employees a day with a smile. It might be that you treat an employee to an extra break during the day to spend time with you sharing ideas. Maybe a better service or something more valuable could result.
If there was a fire started in your physical place, would someone react and put it out to not allow the damage to spread? Would you put the fire out if it happened every day? I will bet that you would.
Then we can be intentional about what we can do every day that is for the benefit of our team, ourselves, and those we serve. What is your "fire" and what can you do about it in the next week?
We find in Leviticus 6:13, instructions to the Levites to always keep the altar fire burning. This is speaking about the altar fire where the sacrifices were burned. The instruction is that the fire must never go out. Every day, every week, every month, and every year they were to keep the fire going.
They were given no excuses for letting it go out. Rain or shine, hurricane or beautiful day, would not be acceptable reasons to allow it to falter. They had to keep it going. Christ's example lives before us in the New Testament. He taught us how to live and treat one another.
As a believer, how would your life change if you did one thing, for sure, no excuses, for forty days that would honor Christ? What is your "fire" that you might make happen? Life giving habits can be formed by us being intentional.
Setting our priorities is only up to us when it comes to growing our relationship with him. What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you are the father and fire of creation. You have made us in your image in a world that has sin. We ask today that we might connect with you in a special way for the next forty days. Each of us can be dedicated to a purpose for forty days.
We ask that you walk with us to assist us in being successful with our commitments. Help us to keep our fire burning daily and shape the days so that you might be honored and glorified. Make the joy of your love be like hot coals to our fire. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.