5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
What and who is going to influence your day today? That sphere of influence will impact you in many ways. It seems that we allow ourselves to be influenced by that sphere. There is more than just our own interpretation to it though. Our team will be influenced by it also.
We are exposed to the influences of this world and then we react. Those reactions are subject to our brains’ limbic and neocortex systems. Once they are engaged, off we go into our mannerisms and feelings.
I think that there might be some significant insight to thinking in between the two systems though. Maybe it is maturity or our personal development, but both seem to come with some wisdom. We can understand that our reactions to both systems are important.
Our reactions can be more than just these two systems if we choose to make them so. But we must do an intervention for ourselves and choose. Will we spend our time complaining instead of focusing on results?
Will we choose to be upset at someone else's attitude or performance when we as leaders are supposed to lead? Where have you or your team missed making a choice in between the two systems?
Why would we choose that way again when more value is to be gained using the wisdom in between? Between the two systems there is an interval or gap. It is that gap that gives us the opportunity to focus on something that we choose. What will you choose today?
As brothers and sisters in Christ, how can we choose in the next seven days to be influenced in a positive manner? We could choose to spend our time with someone we respect. We could choose to learn something new or listen to another. Our sphere of influence can be very defining for us.
Choose that sphere purposefully. In Psalms, we read, “But now you have tossed us aside in dishonor. You no longer lead our armies to battle.” Psalms 44:9 NLT. We find example after example of the writer sharing from their heart but notice how the person is describing how they have been influenced.
In between the lines is where we find the wisdom and grace granted from the Father. Where have you exhibited an attitude or behavior that did not honor Jesus? What is on your calendar in the next seven days that might influence you in a way that does not honor God?
By stopping in the interval now, we can change that sphere for one that can honor Jesus. By choosing on purpose, we can give purpose and intentionality to our sphere. What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Father God, you have sent us Christ to be a positive influence for our lives. Our daily l
ives are influenced by the worldly perspective. Help us to see your influence upon all things and may we be reflective of that influence.
Take us from where we are to where you want us to be. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.