5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
January 4. Vote, King of Kings.
Have you ever been part of a group that has no formal leader? They function by chaos if they all stay together. Some of the original members will likely move away from the group. If no organization happens then value will be challenged.
The remaining participants will likely get organized around a single value. The value approach does not have to be complicated, and it does not have to remain small. A value approach might even have the best result if it stays simple like, let's rid the world of polio.
Where in your groups are you being led by simplicity of value? I have seen simple value brought into chaos by a leader being inserted into such groups. The common factor of those groups might be that the leader changed the focus from self-interest, comfort and keeping the status quo to finding and providing value.
Everyone has empty holes in their sphere of influence when it comes to value. We have places that we can capture and provide value. Upon examination, where might you have a hole? Perhaps our sphere of influence will help others when we ourselves put more emphasis on the value that we desire in our own lives.
As a believer in the resurrection of Jesus, one believes that he was put on this earth to be a Savior. Not just a savior but The Savior. We read in the Bible, "Locusts—they have no king, but they march in formation.” Proverbs 30:27 NLT. Jesus is not a king of any geographical county.
He is the King of kings. But we do not have a recognized governmental leader like that on earth, do we? If we do, I ask when did that vote ever happen, as I do not recall casting my vote? Can you imagine the countries of the world electing such a king?
But the countries do not need to vote for Jesus as it is people and their hearts that make a decision for Jesus. I believe that Gods’ values have been sent to us through him. There is nothing that we can do to cancel Gods’ love for us. We can make bad choices that remove ourselves from his love, but it is never canceled.
The term limit on love from God does not exist. The King of kings does not change the laws of this world, he changes us. Remember that there is always an election time because we have a choice every morning that we wake up.
Leaders and kings are still going to be appointed to run governments and countries. But that will not change the value and gift that God sent to the world. Let us celebrate the gift that continues to keep on giving by bringing value to others in our thought, love, word, and action.
Someone in your sphere of influence has a hole to be filled with value. It might be you. What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ. Help us to remember that he was born and died the King of kings. He provides us value through an everlasting opportunity to experience our change of heart. Make our hate be changed to love and respect. Make all greed be moved towards compassion and may our hearts vote to accept your gift with a simple thank you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.