5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Why and what do you measure? A carpenter measures pieces for cutting. The optometrist measures the weakness of the eyes to create a prescription for corrective lenses. The electric company measures the meter on the house to charge an appropriate fee for usage of the electricity.
It should be clear that things are measured so that something can get created. My examples show a piece of furniture, a set of eyeglasses, and a bill getting created. But the creation of the measurement itself is valuable even before the creation gets delivered and deployed with others.
It is a three-part system; establish some measurements, activate and create, then deploy and discuss. The most useful systems measure and then deploy and discuss. This allows for continual improvement and value creation.
Where can your company improve its measurements or its deployment and discussion? What you measure matters. If a leader wants its team to improve there are some measurements that should be in place for both the leader and the team. How many times did you use the words I promise last week?
How many times did you tell each of your team members thank you, appreciate them or affirm them? Many companies put an emphasis on measuring financial items and that is important. How many measurements do you have that reflect the value of your relationships?
What is the most important measurement that you could improve in the next seven days?
As Christians, we can be in relationship with one another to spread the word and the works of our faith. Are we measuring as a leader might?
Are we deploying and discussing how to have a better impact for God’s love in our world? In the Bible, we read about Jesus sending out the disciples to heal the sick and spread the message. In Luke 10, we read about the disciples returning from one of their mission trips.
The first thing Jesus does is listen to them about the trip. They shared everything they had done. They slipped quietly away right after this. Seems like it was just as important to have a debrief when they returned as it was to give them clear instructions to go.
Where are you measuring to know how you want to grow in your faith this week, month or quarter? With whom are you sharing what happened to be accountable? Without the measurements and the accountability our impact for the Kingdom of God is likely to fall short of the potential that has been put in us.
We do not measure to achieve because we must earn our way to eternity. Spending eternity with Jesus is a gift of grace once you accept Christ. We measure if we choose to be intentional about growing. What is the first thing you can do this week to improve your measurement mentality?
How might you install a new debrief idea? Maybe you need to schedule one.
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you have shared with us the old and the new. We have Christ in our hearts. We are in relationship with him, the church, and the world. Help us to have impactful measurements for ourselves and our teams.
Let us further your kingdom here on earth by working in relationship together. Help us to share how we can walk closer to you by looking at our actions. Let us share words that show we have reflected on your love for us so that the Holy Spirit can work within us.
Let us set standards for ourselves to improve and find mentors and accountability partners to help us grow in our faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.