5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Leadership is not just managing people and processes. Leadership is about much more. In fact, I am not sure that leadership has a lowest achievement limit. It certainly has no limit for the largest result. I have seen the no limit poker tournament games on television.
There is always a limit to get into the hand. If all any player ever does is pays or meets the lowest limit, they do not win the tournament. Rarely do they ever even win the hand. It is the players that believe they can play the best game and take the necessary risks, that have the best chance to win the tournament.
Momentum enters in as a factor after the risk and reward does. The team at the table is a factor. Everyone at the table is making decisions about how to achieve no limit to their success. Deciding when to give up everything is when they have the best chance to succeed.
They learn the other players’ habits, tells and tendencies around them. What are your families, companies, or organizations values? Could it be that your team has too much attention being paid to the small limits of daily repetition instead of the big limitless results that are possible with value?
Who in your organization tends to get stuck on the low limit and how can you work better together? Our ability to collaborate with them will break their limits. The leader can change the game. It can be like the leader gets to walk around the table and the opponents show their hands to help guide the team.
Will you get up and walk around the table this week?
Brothers and sisters, what limits do you have in place from your previous life before accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior? The limits of our society are not the limits of God. We might expect these lower limits of society to be the minimums. Like in poker, we do not get the rewards without the no limit approach of God.
We read, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 NLT. Are we trusting in the limits of the rules and regulations that society sets for us, or should we focus on the bigger results with God’s unlimited boundaries?
Knowing the limits of both is critical to share and show love. Where are you stuck with the lower limits? When we recognize that we are using the lower limits it becomes time for us to change the game. Who in your sphere of influence could you collaborate with to immediately change the game in your faith?
If you want to play a better game in any type of card game, get someone who can shuffle, consider a coach, and play with others often. Who in your church might be that person with expertise? What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you are the Alpha and Omega. You have provided us a limitless life with all that matters because of Christ. Take away our self-imposed limits with regards to our love and compassion for others as well as for ourselves.
Bring others into our lives that can help us to grow and share you with a broken world. Let us draw infinitely closer to you without limit. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.