5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
As leaders, I find that many times we help our team set targets or goals for achievement. But how do we know when our goals have become limits? I have seen many examples where a team has set minimum expectations for the future. Interestingly those minimum expectations have been what was ten years ago a wild and crazy dream for others.
So, where might we have created a ceiling where one does not need to exist? When we find a way to collaborate with others the possibilities can multiply. They can also subtract or divide if we collaborate with the wrong people. To have a system, process, and way to engage others sets the table.
When done, we can discern who can provide value when we collaborate and allow for exponential multiplication. Adding the wrong people can be like bringing a virus, germ, or cancer into what is otherwise a healthy organization. How do you know the difference in your organization?
Are you lacking people in your organization to the extent that you are willing to allow a cancer or virus to join you? It is easier and more efficient to identify the cancers before they enter than it is to eradicate them once they infect and overcome what was healthy.
Who on your team do you think has a ceiling or cancer keeping them from collaborating and what can you do about it?
As Christians, our faith has a history from the Bible. We read of how the ancestors of Christ, the family of King David, had expectations. The tent and the temple that were built for worship had their special rooms and special rules. Things changed when Jesus arrived though.
We read, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus.” Hebrews 10:19 NLT. The rules of the Old Testament did not allow the people into the Most Holy Place of the tent or temple. There were limits. With Christ, those limits were removed.
We still today battle the limits that we place on ourselves and on others. Where are limits keeping you from growing with Christ? What limits are keeping someone you know from knowing him? One of our most powerful tools to grow is to collaborate with others.
We have been blessed by generations before us to have created the church. Members of Christ’s church grow together even while being different in many ways. Jesus can help us collaborate when we allow our hearts and minds to do so. How might you collaborate with someone in your faith in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, there are limits that help us to grow and limits that keep us from growing. Help us to see the ones that are keeping us from a stronger relationship with you so that we can remove them. Guide us and empower us to do just that. Send us those that help us to collaborate in our faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.