5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Unseen resources can be out of sight and out of mind. The air conditioning system at your place of business is out of sight but you probably know when it is not working though. You can sense when the climate you are operating in is not the right fit. But what about the resources that each of our team members has?
Think about the experience, the trust, the education, and wisdom that they have. Those resources are unseen but might be the most important resources we have. The attitudes of our team members may just be the most important resource of all that they possess.
They affect the creation and shaping of our products, services and value we provide. They affect the delivery as well. Often there is nothing more destructive to the value we deliver to our customers than a bad attitude.
Could it be that there is nothing more valuable and important than a positive and encouraging attitude. Where might your customers be better served by checking on the attitudes of your team and self? Where have you restricted your value with your attitude to your team?
The attitude of the leader sets the tone for the organization. What can you do in your organization in the next seven days about the unseen resources?
There is a radio station organization with the tagline "positive and encouraging." In Ephesians, the church is described as having the wisdom of God displayed by the unseen rulers and authorities. You can find that in chapter 3:10-11. We all possess unseen resources that might be used by God.
All of us. Do you think of yourself in this manner? It is true, God has shared his wisdom. The people that we are in community with want to help us and they need your help as well. What unseen resource do you possess?
It might not be that difficult to see the power when we think about the days that our attitudes have been lacking the positive effect we desire. What could you do to share an attitude in a way to honor Christ?
Could the world be a better place if we ask Jesus this week to help us share our resources with one another? I think so. It might be the unseen attitude that can affect others the most. Giving a gift out of anger, which is an attitude, will not be received like a gift given with respect, love, and appreciation.
Unseen resources can be incredibly valuable, and we sometimes do not give them much credibility or importance. What unseen resources can you ask for and which ones can you give in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Jesus, God has made us in his image. We have attitudes and talents that are unseen and hidden. Help us to discover them and to help us bring you, the light of the world, to shine before us. Let each of us display the wisdom that you can send through us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.