5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Where does your team work deep? As a leader, it often can be our responsibility to take our teams deeper into value. Our families are stronger when the relationships grow deeper. Our teams strengthen as we seek and grow the value proposition deeply.
But when any of the team falls deeper into anything, we are at risk. Falls do not hurt; it is the landing that hurts. When falling, our minds get off track of value and begin to think about the landing or the results of it. Fall in the ocean and you might begin to think about how long you can swim.
When falling into its waves, you think how long you might hold your breath or will seaweed entangle you. Falling into the ocean will also likely allow your mind to think about sharks! As a leader, we want to seek those oceans and when we do, we prepare.
We get diving gear, training, and if appropriate, equipment like shark cages and spear guns. Where might any of your team be tied up in the seaweed? As a leader, who is accountable to help the team get rid of seaweed? Who is responsible to find the shark cages if needed?
We cannot keep our team from falling occasionally. We live in a fallen world which is not going to be perfect. But as the leader, we can be accountable to make sure to live deeply and provide our teams with value as well.
What is the first thing that you can do in the next seven days to recognize where others are falling?
We find value in our faith when we dig deeper as well. Discussing a topic in a Sunday school, small group, and understanding a sermon can connect us deeper. We can take the seasons of our faith and commit them to spiritual practices like fasting, doing a prayer journal, or starting a devotion.
But if we get caught up in falling, our perception jumps almost automatically to the landing. That is what fear does to us. We read, "“I sank beneath the waves, and the waters closed over me. Seaweed wrapped itself around my head.” Jonah 2:5 NLT. That sounds scary to me, what about you?
It sounds scary and I am not even in that ocean. Sometimes our fear is just a matter of perception. Where do you think it feels like the seaweed is getting to you? Maybe it is time to go deeper into prayer in your relationship with Christ.
We have tools like the church, our small groups, and scripture to assist us. How are you being accountable to grow deeper in your faith? The only person that has the authority to hold you accountable in this world is you. What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, thank you for our emotions as we might experience the mountain tops with you. But when we fall from those peaks it can be scary. Guide us and hold us in the comfort of the palms of your hands when that occurs. May we have the confidence and wisdom to remember the innocence of the prayers of children.
We are your children. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Mark Queen
Founder Core Score, LLC
Navigator for Entreprenuers
Coach for Business Tribes
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.