5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
As a leader of a family, a company or team we have many tools available to us. How do you assist your team with growing their capacity? We might think of our teams’ value delivery capabilities as a funnel with your team at the top and the capacity at the bottom.
Your teams’ capacity determines the width of that funnel. As a leader, we want our team to multiply the value by collaborating and expanding that delivery wider and wider to have an impact on the world and returning profits of some kind to us.
But if a team member gets stuck and stops growing it acts like a plug, restriction, or obstacle in the funnel. As leaders, we can help them get back to value delivery. What tools are you using? Fear is not the most valuable tool that a servant leader needs to deploy.
Where might fear have snuck into the funnel this past thirty days or maybe this year? Is it time for a different tool? Research shows that music has power on our mindset. Is music a tool that you are using? During this time of year holiday music seems to abound.
The reason is that music makes a difference. Many research studies have proven it. What is the first thing you can do to use music to replace fear? As a leader another critical tool is accountability. Where can you put multiple tools to work to increase your capacity?
What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are subject to the world and the fears that it casts. But many of our fears are based on our perception and experience, not reality. Many times, we struggle to get past the fears and spend way too much time behaving directly because of them.
During the holiday season of Christmas, we hear special music that carries its message. Stop and list your favorite three holiday songs. Make a mental note of them. Is there any fear in them or do they help us focus on what is good and right with the world?
We read, “Fearing people is a dangerous trap but trusting in the Lord means safety.” Proverbs 29:25 NLT. During this joyous time of year, I find that displacing fear is a good thing. What fears would you relieve or displace if you could?
Maybe it is time to focus on the music that has been created and inspired in us as brothers and sisters to celebrate the birth of Christ. If you find this an attractive idea, would you be willing to be accountable about it? Perhaps you could promise to listen to the music to start your day each day of the week.
Maybe you could listen to the songs at your cubicle, in your office, or in your vehicle anywhere you go in it. Some of the easiest ways to displace fear is to be accountable to set a new habit when fear appears. Our capacity for God is larger than we will be able to comprehend.
Are you willing to be accountable to experience more of his love? Maybe all it takes is a little music. What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you are an inspiring force in our world. Open our hearts and ears to hear the still small voice that you might use to speak to us. Bring special clarity to us as we listen to the notes and melodies that have been shaped by human minds during this holiday season.
Melt our fears away like the sun melts the ice cube on a sidewalk. Make them evaporate and let our hearts and minds be cleansed to worship and celebrate you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.