5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Transitions can be difficult. But they can be amazing as well. The difference between the two different outcomes often is communication. Thorough communication rarely comes easily to many people. Our own ideas, beliefs and doubts can pollute the progress.
This can be true for leaders who are balancing new ideas, launching, and shaping projects and ensuring progress is being made. That is what is referred to as being in your business. But transitions or exits are more about working on your business.
A leader who is an entrepreneur must spend time doing both tasks of working on and in the business. Where might you or your team be restricted in a transition or exit area? When the restriction occurs communication can be the primary tool to help.
What is said and heard can deliver powerful results. Leaders can start the conversation in many ways, but curiosity can lead us to start faster. For this week I challenge us to consider it “I wonder week.” How many times could we start a tough conversation by sharing the phrase I wonder and then allow the conversation to move forward.
What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
We read, "Solomon became king and sat on the throne of David his father, and his kingdom was firmly established.” 1 Kings 2:12 NLT. Chapter 2 describes the transition conversation that King David made with his son Solomon. It seems obvious that there was a focus on communication.
The king shared with him to be strong, to follow the commandments, and to confirm new leaders to serve him as advisors because king David’s advisors had taken a different path. Where might you be ready for a transition? You might even be a part of a transition that you did not ask for.
Where is the communication lacking? Part of the growth journey of leaders includes some pruning. That might mean that not all the team, including past leaders, will come with you or your successors.
Communication can be the most powerful tool for empowering those in a transition and can be the most powerful tool to destroy a transition as well. I wonder, where do you desire to communicate better this week? I wonder if we will see the transitions and be ready to speak and lean into them.
What is the first thing you can do about it this week?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, we need you. Help us to be able to work on ourselves and on our communication. Sometimes we need others to help shape the conversation. Often though, we need to move the conversations out of our heads and into our hearts to shape them with you before we have them with others.
Guide us and lead us Lord so that the generations may be communicating with each other. May our transitions be strong ones that honor and glorify you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.