5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
I like to think about the next seven days as the present. It is what is on my mind and relevant to give my attention to. Will the next seven days be a vacation, or only productive work or both? It is common to have a week for a vacation but why a week? Why is it a work week and not a work month, why?
As a leader, how do you draw the attention of your team to focus? Do you supervise and oversee monthly or is it a shorter or longer time frame? Whichever you use, we know that our team operates the best when there is collaboration, and we must have deadlines.
If we are not staying in touch with one another often enough, our team might begin to break down or get disconnected. I believe that disconnected teams are less effective in delivering value. If you are planning on collaborating on the same schedule as last year, you might expect the same results.
Stepping up the level of accountability affects focus and productivity. Giving the power of accountability is simple but it is not easy if we want it to be effective. Giving authority to those that can help build collaboration will likely bring value. What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
The creation account in Genesis gives us a timeline of seven days. We read, “On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work.” Genesis 2:2 NLT. Have you ever wondered why it was seven days?
It could have been any number of days so why seven instead of fourteen? God evidently had a plan and a progression. He had something to create which was new that he could be in a relationship with. Once the activity got started, he saw it through until it was time to rest.
Day and night, land and sea, and rest all happened through his activities per his plan. So, did you wake up today and even remember any of your resolutions? I firmly believe that it is not the resolutions that are going to change you or make the world better.
If God had said, I resolve to create the universe and man to be in relationship, and then did not have any action to back it up, it would have been a tragedy for us. The resolution was followed up by action. It was action that happened over his seven days.
In the next seven days, what are you going to do about your personal relationship with God, about your career, profession, business, finances, and about your health? God did not make resolutions. He made declarations and we can do the same.
Will you commit to something more with God or will you be satisfied with making a resolution and leaving it at that? What is the first thing you can do in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, thank you for presenting to us the ability to be in relationship with you. Thank you for the blessings that you have bestowed upon us this past year, but we are prepared to move forward. We resolve and declare to make the next seven days into ones of accountability.
Help us by holding us in the palm of your hand. Comfort us as we move forward through the present because change is difficult, and it can be fearful. Take us where you might guide us to be as we make small incremental changes in our behaviors.
Move us to love one another better, forgive one another faster, and to give more freely of our resources. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen,
Mark Queen
Navigator for Entrepreneurs
Coach for Business Tribes
Founder, Core Score, LLC.
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.