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Entrepreneurs and leaders have teams. I have not met a perfect team yet, have you? Although many are building a unique ability team, the teams are made up of imperfect people and imperfect technologies. Just think of the times you have thought or said that a software program could be improved by doing this or that.
We do the same thing with the people on our teams because of our judgment filter. Our judgment filter often is skewing the facts. Our mind often does not want change. It wants the status quo. It wants no fight or flight decisions, but it is constantly looking and interpreting things as such.
Our fears and emotions sometimes get in the way of value. They fog the facts, so they are not seen. On our journey together as a team it just takes one person to have the fog set in and we might miss a road sign that said, "exit here" or "yield ahead." Our journey will go off course fast when that happens.
Where might you or someone on the team be fogged in right now? You may not be able to tell. Who might you be able to ask? Maybe they can see clearly in some areas where we cannot. Being the leader means we can help many when we work to clear the fog. Use your horn, your fan, or shine the light.
Do what you can to get relief from the fog today and do what you can to keep it from setting in for the rest of the week. What is the first thing you can do about getting through the fog in the next seven days?
Have you ever seen a fog bank roll into a harbor or across a prairie? One side of the bank is clear, everything within sight is visible and navigable. But that foggy side can be scary. If we awaken to a fog, one can be overcome with fear, resentment and it can turn our mindset towards being in a victim like attitude.
When we get offended or wronged, we often might feel as if a fog has rolled over us. But we can choose what our answer will be as followers of Christ. We read, "Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13 NLT.
Where might we have allowed someone else's actions to be like a fog to us? Fogs that set in can make us think that we have no options but to wait it out, so that it clears out on its own. We can clear much of the fog, if not all of it ourselves.
No judgment needed, just action, and most of it is up to us. We are the ones that have the power to forgive. Our Savior is ready, willing, and able to assist as well. What is the first thing you can do to remove some fog in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Jesus, you came and taught us about the ultimate forgiveness. We still operate in a world of fear though. Help us to balance our daily perceptions so that we might keep the fog banks away from our relationship with you and our relationships with others.
Make us to be fog busters for others so that they might see you clearly so that they can navigate closer to you. Guide us with the lighthouse of your love. May you send the breath of the Holy Spirit to blow the fog away where love might blossom in its wake. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
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Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.