5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
As leaders of families, companies, or organizations we must communicate. Two critical parts of our communication are asking and taking action. How common is it to ask of others in your organization? It can be a challenge to always ask with respect when we get hurried or are stressed.
The way in which we ask can affect the honesty of the answer we receive. We also might consider that every brain wants to be right when challenged with a question, but our answers are almost always, if not always, our opinion.
Our answers reflect our perception of the question which often can be disconnected from what the questioner is really asking. Value starts to come when we put the ask together in a way to have thorough communication. But value takes off when authentic communication is partnered with action.
Where do you need to put together a stronger connection of the two items of communication and action? People wonder how some teams can achieve exponential progress so quickly. Imagine that a team you are on is not communicating at peak efficiency.
If you can imagine that or see it happening on your teams now, you know that it impacts the value you deliver. When team members spend time and resources on inappropriate activities it impacts value as well.
When the leader addresses both issues it may become a multiplying effect on value for the team and the customer. What is the first thing you can do about addressing either issue in the next seven days?
We read, "But the king replied sharply, “How many times must I demand that you speak only the truth to me when you speak for the LORD?” 1 Kings 22:16 NLT. It is easy to see the conflict in the kings’ words here. He had asked the prophet many times, but he did not like the words the prophet shared with him.
Those words required the king to change his ways. We know our sins and our sinful ways, and I believe that it is normal to want to keep those quiet and to ourselves. We do not ask others about them as we want to protect our ego and our public image.
But acting on things that honor our relationship with Jesus is just that. It is honorable. What is something that you could get a trusted person’s opinion about to result in better actions that you desire for yourself? When the leader gets better, everyone gets better.
Our own communication with others is a great place to start then. Who are the three people that you would trust to have a conversation with and what is keeping you from having that conversation?
Sometimes the action in our heart and mind has to occur before the communication will take place in our head and with our tongues. What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days? What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you have given us a great gift in our Savior Jesus Christ. Guide us and comfort us as we ask others for help. May we as brothers and sisters in Christ, ask and answer respectfully. Make our minds be open to new ways that honor you when we act.
Let us move away from our sins, one at a time, one day at a time. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.