5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Businesses require different talents and skills for their value delivery. Some need manufacturing plants, engineers and salespeople. Others need lots of technology support, banking services, web page development and support. What a business does not need is departments and divisions to operate in silos, working in their own manner without concern for the other departments.
When a department goes rogue, doing what it needs without concern for the rest of the business, there is almost certainly going to be expense and distraction from value. When engineering overlooks small errors to meet an unachievable deadline, disaster is looming.
When accounting cannot balance, fraud and accusations are just around the corner. When sales teams promise numbers which cannot be delivered, customer satisfaction and loyalty will suffer. The result can often be a company turning on itself. It is very tough to turn that ship around unless it is handled quickly.
Strong leadership steps in and addresses the holes and cracks when they become seen. Leaders that wait too long will likely face more than cracks but breaks and chasms that might not be repairable. It can cost us the most important resource you have, which is one’s team members.
Where have you seen signs of the divisions of your company or team not working together? Where might there be some cracks or holes that can be repaired in a healthy matter because you have addressed it quickly? What can you do about it in the next seven days?
In the book of Judges, chapters 19-20, we read a lengthy story about a Levite and his concubine. He goes to a faraway city to retrieve her and has a layover on his return. A group of men from the layover city, which is part of the tribe of Benjamin, attempt to sexually assault the man.
Instead of assaulting the man they wind up assaulting and killing his concubine. Upon his final return he notifies all the other tribes. A battle ensues, many lives are lost on both sides. The tribe of Benjamin is almost completely erased as only a few warriors escape with their lives.
Where are you divided against something in your faith? Do you have a difference of opinion with a family member or someone in your church? As we attempt to be in a loving relationship with Christ, we must fight our own perceptions. What we see is not the truth but our own opinion.
Jesus has seen it all and knows the truth. Maybe we should attempt to at least think what his perspective might be. Where have you had a small difference that is separating you from another? It requires leadership on our part to take on a new perspective.
Just because we have an opinion does not make it right. What can you do to close the gap quickly in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you are the Creator, and we are the ones that separate and create the gaps in our relationships. Not only do we make gaps from Christ, but we make gaps with our relationships as well. Be with us as we attempt to repair those gaps.
Help us to see them quicker, repair them with compassion and move into the future repaired and restored. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.