5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
Letting people go can be difficult. As an entrepreneur it can be one of the most difficult things that we do. That can still be the case, even if we know it is the right thing to do. It might help us to make better decisions in this case, if we have a list of employee exit scenarios.
Why will your employees or members of a team leave the company? Some scenarios could be that they might get disabled, retire, die, or find a better position suited to them somewhere else. But it is possible that the most difficult exit scenario is the one where the employees’ actions are inconsistent with your companies why.
When they accomplish their results in an unacceptable way in your value proposal, it is probably time to let them move on. Have we done a great job leading our employees by establishing our why? Where does your lack of communication to your team, about your why you exist, leave you exposed?
If we view our employees as investments instead of expenses, we should always know why we have them. If we view them as investments to be grown, we will ensure that they know why they are a good fit. Are your employees’ and team members investments or expenses?
Where might you have used an expense perception in the last thirty days? What will you do about it in the next seven days?
In the book of Judges chapter 21, we find a story where the results of the actions of Israel do not seem justified. They had killed off the tribe of Benjamin except for 400 warriors. They felt sorry that they had annihilated a tribe, one of the twelve tribes of the nation.
Their next action was to kill the people from the territory of Jabesh-gilead, except the virgins, so that they could allow the virgins to become wives to the 400. But there were not enough women, so they allowed the remaining single men of the 400 to kidnap their wives from Shiloh.
This sounds messy, unloving, and unjustified. But it seems thought out and logical. But it does not show an attitude of love towards others. At that time, Israel did not have an earthly leader. They certainly were not following God's direction and law. The nation had forgotten their why.
God had chosen them to hold them in a covenant relationship. There could be places or events in your relationship with others where Christ might have said "Ouch, that hurt." If you cannot think of an example now, you can probably remember the opposite is likely.
Where are you saying ouch because of the way others have had unloving actions toward you? Maybe the first step towards repentance and repair is to think about why the hurt exists. To think is to have a thought. I like that letter T.
What is the first action you can do in the next seven days to add a "T" to the "ouch" which makes it a touch? Perhaps shaking hands or sharing a forgiving hug might be just the right touch that is needed.
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, we thank you for your grace. But today we are going to ask for your touch to be in our lives. We have been the recipients of actions that have caused us pain. And Father, we have done things that have been harmful and hurtful to others as well.
We ask now for your gentle touch, a touch of compassion, a touch of love, an extra dose of forgiveness so that we might repair our relationships. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.