5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
What do your two companies look like? What services and products and value propositions do they offer? That is an interesting question because many entrepreneurs will respond that they only have one company. All entrepreneurs have at least two companies.
Those companies are present company and future company. The present company is focused on delivery today and of the past. It has developed a value proposition that might even provide a revenue stream into the future. But future company is about the new and better value proposition.
It is about not being a commodity or staying in the past. It is about being an industry leader, a shaper, having a why to your business. Ask yourself who you would like to do business with when you go out to acquire a product or service. The choices are twofold.
One might choose a company that only cares about their present and past relationships. One could also choose a company that cares about their present and their future relationship with you. Who would you choose? As a company, where might you have a stronger value proposition by having a two-company approach?
How can you collaborate with others to grow the present and the future company? To do so will require your leadership and team members to collaborate in a new and different way. What is the first thing you can do to improve your approach in the next seven days? Could it be a focus session on future company?
Do you remember the story of Ruth and Naomi from the Bible? We read in Ruth 1:1 NLT, how Naomi's husband and then her sons passed away. She had two daughters-in-law that her sons left behind, no grandchildren and no seemingly good prospects about the future.
She did what she thought best and emphasized that the daughters-in-law should go on and lead a new life by going back to their biological families. But Ruth knew about present and future company concept. She knew that the future with Naomi was bigger than the past and bigger than the present.
She decided to go with the future company option. She did not gamble and throw the dice to make the decision. I do not think that she had the viewpoint that she was leaving anything to chance. Where are you hung up and staying in the past? Perhaps there is someone else that you respect that might collaborate with you to move on.
Ruth chose Naomi and there are many other examples of people choosing a partner to move forward. Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs and their emphasis was totally on helping people have a bigger future by following the ways of Jesus.
How can you collaborate with others to grow in the present and the future? Where is your concept of a bigger future lacking, weak or not envisioned with clarity? What are you going to do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Jesus, I am ready to hang up on the past because I want to be in the present and the future. I pray that we might go ahead and hang up the receiver so that I do not hear the negative of the past. Help us to push the end button.
We pray that you guide us to be ready to let you hold our hands and walk into the future with you. Lead our progress together. Guide us as we hold your hand instead of the telephone. That conversation which represents the past sometimes keeps me from holding your hand.
But not today, not right now as your hand is all we need. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.