5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
What questions have you been asking your teams lately? I think questions give the ability to surprise and create discovery. Questions can lead to creativity and enhance a creative moment. Sometimes they can do it so well that it is seemingly miraculous. But who you ask those questions to make a difference?
Henry Ford is quoted as saying, "If I had asked the people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse." The best questions sometimes are those that are asked of ourselves and to our teams. How often are we questioning ourselves in a manner directed specifically towards our next seven or ninety days?
How often are we asking our teams to share their insights directed to the creativity of the next thirty days? If we are not asking the questions, I am almost certain that we will not receive any answers. Questions that are genuine in curiosity relieve pressure, frustration and stop or slow the release of cortisol in our brains.
They create the opportunity for something to be discovered. That sounds like a treasure hunt possibility. If you have not found any treasure lately in your enterprise, it might be so because of the lack of curiosity. Treasure does not go seeking a treasure hunter, it works the other way around.
What is the first thing you can do in the next seven days to ask some powerful questions?
You might be familiar with the miracle of the five loaves and the two fish from the Bible It can be found in the book of John.
What you might not recall is that Jesus asked the disciple Philip a question first. The question was, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" Philips' response, as any response that the disciples gave to Jesus questions, showed where they were at in their perceptions.
Philips’s answer was focused on how much it would cost just to buy a single bite of food for the crowd. Andrew however answered, "Look, here is a small boy with five loaves and two fishes, but how far will that go?" The answer exposed an opportunity for a miracle.
If Jesus did not ask the question, we might have simply missed the opportunity to learn and witness the miracle. A curious question for me to ask you the reader is, “Have you been asking any questions this week of yourself or just been going through the motions?”
Some might ask, “I wonder what would make my worship experience be moving this week?” Others might ask, “I wonder if I will invite the Holy Spirit to be with me during worship?” What question might you ask yourself before we settle in for worship this Sunday or for your Sabbath?
When will you take the time in the next seven days to reflect on the questions that are sitting on your heart or mind?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, you are the Creator. We do not have to know everything, but we do want to be in relationship with you. Clear our minds eye of the everyday routine and help us to explore questions that draw us closer to you.
Guide us Lord and share your wisdom and direction for our path as we question ourselves. May the questions lead us to answers, gifts, and the miracle of your love. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.