5603 Powercat Pl, Manhattan, KS, United States
As leaders, we love it when a plan of action comes together. The resources get aligned, teams move, and our value proposition is implemented so that results happen. But how do we react when the tables turn?
Those might be times when all the planning is ineffective, resources are squandered, energy and time is seemingly wasted. It might be due to an internal or external situation, but it does not matter because it just did not work. Then what do we do? I think we might remind ourselves that we still have a value proposition, a great team, and the capability to work through it.
The value is why we do what we do. Are we remembering to be of value even in the rough spots, when things are not working? Our attitudes will be challenged when the plan does not come together. How fast can we recognize the attitudes to keep us from finding the value quicker?
What is not working right now? What is the first thing that you can do about it in the next seven days?
We have a great example in the Bible of a person that had a bad day and the tables turned. King Ahad of Israel is one of those examples. King Ben-hedad was on his way to conquer Ahad. Ahad was overwhelmed so he surrendered. That was a bad day. He was required to give away his wives, his children, and his treasure.
When Ben-hedad wanted even more, God allowed Ahad a blessing to battle back. His troops routed Ben-hedad and things were looking up. But God had instructed Ahad to destroy the King and he did not. Things then went in the wrong direction for Ahad once again and he was attacked by a lion and died.
I think that would warrant an ouch in our minds when we read it. You can read the entire story in 1 Kings 20. When things turn on us it is easy to get down or even depressed. But do not let the lions scare you, we have Christ.
We have our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we sometimes just need to call on them for help. I think when the tables turn, our first reaction might be to pray. But our second step just might be to seek help from the church. Where have the tables turned in the last 30 days for you?
Who is the first person in the church that comes to mind as someone who might be able to provide insight? If time, geographic logistics were removed, and financial resources to you were unlimited for this purpose, who would you reach out to? Is your attitude in the way to reach out?
What is the first thing you can do about it in the next seven days?
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, guide us. Lead us where you might have us to go, to help one another, and to share the love of Christ. Guide our hearts to adopt attitudes that enable us to find you faster. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen,
Shoulder to Shoulder offers a lifeline for Christian business leaders, providing daily devotions infused with the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ.